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A Holiday Message From Our President

Greetings to all this holiday season. I take great pleasure in extending a special holiday greeting to each of you. To some, the Christmas season is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and to recommit ourselves to His teachings of love, peace and forgiveness. We are challenged to forgive quickly, to love unconditionally, and to reverence others above ourselves.

This jubilant holiday season is also a time to reflect on the goodness of life and to be thankful for the immeasurable blessings that have been bestowed upon each of us. May we celebrate the tradition of giving by remembering those in our communities who are less privileged. Let us engage in this spirit of helping others so that the lives of many in our community will be lifted.

Today, our Fauquier Branch of the NAACP #7059 is a greatly improved and a much more developed civil rights organization than ever before. This transformation is because of your dedication, hard work, and generosity. Our Freedom Fund Virtual Celebration, addressing Affordable Housing in Fauquier County, BLM Vigils for Action, Juneteenth Day, and the acceptance of three African-Americans, including two of our members, into the First Warrenton Community Police Academy at the Warrenton Police Department, these events were unquestionably high points of our Branch during 2021.

As 2021 nears its end, there is no better time than now to say thank you for all that you do and have done. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as this Branch's president.

On behalf of my wife Taryn, our two pets, “Lady Bug” (our dog), and “Miss Jingles” (our cat), I sincerely wish that the peace and joy of the holiday season be with you and your family throughout the coming year.

~Happy New Year and Stay Vertical~

Dr. Ellsworth L. B. Weaver, Sr.


NAACP - Fauquier County Branch #7059


Unknown member
Dec 10, 2021

Blessings to you guys as well.... Love David and Barbara Newman


Unknown member
Dec 09, 2021

What a beautiful holiday greeting and message... And thank YOU, Dr. Weaver, for presiding over our branch of the NAACP with such strength and compassion and drive to elevate this organization. 2022 will be a productive year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Taryn -- and of course to Lady Bug and Miss Jingles, too! Kim Gibson

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