Message from Our President:
The murder of George Floyd has sparked a roaring fire that many black Americans live as real and subsisted experiences every day. Protests have exploded across America as diversified groups of people express their outrage not only about Mr. Floyd’s execution, but also about the underlying racism and inequality that renders being black in America dangerous, particularly at the hands of police.
Recently, insurgencies or uprisings have occurred in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kentucky, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and other locations across this country. Many of these uprisings are a result of the anger, fear, sadness, injustice, and distrust of the law enforcement system that have manifested for years throughout our community. “Enough is enough. We Are Done Dying”.
In May 1865, Frederick Douglass stated, “Slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot.” The NAACP strongly encourages each of you to Vote. Vote to push forward in securing the political, educational, social, and the economic equality rights of all persons. Your vote is very important in national elections, but it is equally as important at the local and state levels of government as well. Keep pressing for a positive change regardless of what it is. A change is going to come. Your vote will help make it happen.
NAACP - Fauquier County Branch - 7059