At last Saturday's 70th BLM Vigil for Action, Marsha Berry, a Fauquier NAACP member with a passion for justice, spoke out about racism. Over the voices of hecklers across the street, Ms. Berry said that she hears people saying that “All Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter,” but that things are “being taken out of context.”
"Black Lives Matter does not imply that Black lives matter more than other lives," Ms. Berry said. She shared that she has three grandchildren, but if her grandson falls of his bicycle, she runs to his aid. “It doesn’t mean that I love my two granddaughters any less. It’s just that I have to redirect my attention to him – at that moment,” she said. "I’m simply saying that Black lives matter too. And right now we need to focus on all of these senseless killings of Black people as a whole. The Black lives need our attention and help right now. It doesn’t mean that the other races are not important. What’s important is All Lives Matter. Maybe we should add an addendum – Black Lives Matter Too!”
At the end of her remarks, Ms. Berry recited a poem which she wrote, and which we share here.
Black Lives Matter Too
Red, Black, Blue, White and Brown
We all need to stick around
Not to be shot, choked or hung from a limb on a tree.
The time is now to take a knee.
Man started this abuse you see
But it can be stopped with you and me
All lives DO Matter you see
But does that not include Black Lives Matter and Me?
So much hatred, discrimination and animosity
Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers
Screaming in Pain
Such Wonderful, Beautiful Lives taken in vain.
A Beautiful life that will be surely missed
To be Forever placed on an Obituary List
? Am I my Brother's Keeper?
? Am I my Sister's Keeper?
Answer: Yes, I am my Friend
From Beginning to the end ---
So please take a hand not a gun, choke hold or rope, you see
It does not matter what color a person may be
Black Lives Matter! All Lives Matter!
And it starts and stops with You and with Me
--Marsha Berry
October 2021