The Housing Corner, a new feature on Fauquier NAACP’s website, was unveiled at the 66th Annual Freedom Fund Celebration last Friday night, August 27. The feature is comprised of two sections, Housing Resources and Advocacy.
The Housing Corner/Resources page offers links to COVID-19 rent relief programs, eviction help lines, legal assistance, renter education, affordable rental housing resources, homebuyer resources, housing resources for Virginians with disabilities, and home repair and energy efficiency programs.
The Housing Corner/Advocacy section “provides background and education on how we got to where we are today as well as local housing news and advocacy opportunities as they arise,” explains Housing Committee co-chair Miggy Strano. “It’s important that we all know what’s available to us, not only for ourselves but to help and provide information to our neighbors.”
To understand housing issues in our region, visitors to the Advocacy section of the Housing Corner are invited first to watch “Housing Committee Spotlight,” a video presented during the Freedom Fund program on August 27th. Then appears a list of substantive ways to take action and get involved.
Housing Committee member Mary Correia said, "I think this [the Housing Corner] provides a ton of information and is one of the very few in the community that exists to direct people to specific resources available to them on affordable housing."
The Housing Committee welcomes input from the community and suggestions for content. The Committee’s goal and hope for the Housing Corner is that it will be a valuable source of information for many.
Housing Committee co-chairs Miggy Strano and Conway Porter may be contacted at